Thursday 27 September 2012

Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe in Gaza – False Flags & America’s ‘National Interest’ –

 September 2012

Video: I think this is going to be one of people’s favorite videos as it is genuinely funny and yet very serious. Max Igan and myself get into this one by showing a sycophantic Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East spouting some truly incredible historical narrative. This useful idiot lays out the catalogue of US false flags and manipulations that have resulted in America’s perpetual state of war. After reviewing Clawson’s entire two-minute clip we then break it down piece by piece in a humorous way, after which we take a serious look at what this all means. Specifically, the ever-present threat of World War III and nuclear annihilation.

Not often do we see humour and seriousness in this way but we had fun making this and I believe most of you will not only laugh, but probably get fired up as well. Enjoy!

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