Friday 17 April 2009

Christian Zionists: Jewish People Must Blow up the Al-Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem!!!


Onward, Christian , Zionists

By Elias Farhud

I do want to clarify that the World Christian Community does not recognize the Christian Zionists as true Christians.
Christian Zionists believe that in order to fulfill Biblical prophecy, Israel must conquer most of the Middle East, from the Nile river in Egypt to the Euphrates River in Iraq, They believe that the Jewish people will blow up the Mosques in the Temple Mount. They are a growing force in American politics with ties to many powerful pro-Israel groups in Washington. Once considered a marginal doctrine among evangelicals, the dispensationalist theology of Christian Zionism includes a belief in the rapture, when the faithful are to be lifted up to Heaven while the rest of humanity—including most of the Jews—will perish. Actually these beliefs from the so called Christians are not recognized by the world wide Christian Community. In fact their beliefs are similar to the far right Zionist Jews of Israel. The Extremists of Israel share the same goal to blow up the Al-Aksa Mosque in the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the uprooting of Palestinians from their Land. Recently there has been reports of Israeli Settlers of planning to blow up the Al-Aksa Mosque . Many believe that Christian Zionism are more Zionist than the Zionists Israelis. They give unqualified support to the State of Israel and support the Massacres of Innocent Palestinian men, women, and Children. They view these massacres as God given. Unfortunately they have support from many pro-Israeli groups in the U.S. Israel does not share the theology of the Zionist Christians but uses them to their advantage, They lobby for support of Israeli policies. Millions of Dollars are donated from Christian Zionists to the state of Israel, these funds flow to support the illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian Land. Christian Zionist and extremist in Israel are an obstacle to Peace in the Middle East.

April 16, 2009 - Posted by Farhud NEWS

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